Made in Canada conundrum

We all know that some of the very best audio equipment is made in Canada. Some of these legendary companies don't have service facilities in the USA, so if it breaks,like mine did, you send it back to Canada. I just experienced this: Promised about 2 weeks turn-around time, but we're going on 2 months and it's still at Customs in Canada, who are waiting to clear it, having charged me tax, duty, broker fees (FedEx) and a fourth charge for some technicality that I've forgotten. What do US purchasers feel about paying tax, duty and broker fees when they buy Canadian and then pay the same fees again to have the original repaired? Annoyed, like I am, or did you know that? And would you have bought Canadian if you knew this before-hand - like I didn't, because nobody told me. Should I have known this? Opinions, please. (I will keep the Manufacturer's name confidential while I wait for resolution)
Whoa! Where did this thread go wrong! Down boys!

The same problems with duties, taxes, tariffs, delays can be had from both sides of the 49th. American made products are just as difficult to repair and return for Canadian owners, to the USA. This is not just a one way problem.

Yes, do make VERY clear on your import forms that your product is a Warranty/Return. This process seems to be hit and miss as sometimes I'm charged high fees, and sometimes not. I find FedEx, UPS et al are the least sympathetic when it comes to border fees. Surprisingly, USPS/Can Post are the best way to ship if your item is not over 60lbs.

I don't know if there is any clear answer to avoid paying moneys when your item crosses the border. I do however, think this is a two-way problem. Please don't make this thread political people. Put some Bob Marley on the platter and chill-out.

Happy listening.
Post removed 
My sole experience w/shipping gear to Cananda for repair was completely uneventful (ie smooth as silk). Contacted this very reputable audio manufacturer (headquartered in the Montreal area). Put the unit in it's original box, shipped via UPS. Received the unit with no fees, taxes, etc. Not sure why others have had dificulties, could it be that this manufacturer simply handled everything unknown to me?
Correct, Tvad. Spot-on. As some have stated, I guess different manufacturers go to significant lengths to help their US customers over the hurdles, whereas others do not.
People should remember that there are domestic manufacturers who stiff their customers on service, too. The "export for service" issues add a layer of risk, however, no matter which foreign country the company you're dealing with calls home.
