Made in Canada conundrum

We all know that some of the very best audio equipment is made in Canada. Some of these legendary companies don't have service facilities in the USA, so if it breaks,like mine did, you send it back to Canada. I just experienced this: Promised about 2 weeks turn-around time, but we're going on 2 months and it's still at Customs in Canada, who are waiting to clear it, having charged me tax, duty, broker fees (FedEx) and a fourth charge for some technicality that I've forgotten. What do US purchasers feel about paying tax, duty and broker fees when they buy Canadian and then pay the same fees again to have the original repaired? Annoyed, like I am, or did you know that? And would you have bought Canadian if you knew this before-hand - like I didn't, because nobody told me. Should I have known this? Opinions, please. (I will keep the Manufacturer's name confidential while I wait for resolution)
I just sold a Linn Basik tonearm, and gave a Linn K18 MM Cart, and a Nagaoka MP11 MM Cart, included the cable and an older armboard. It clearly stated Lower US only. So what happens? A Canadian that probably can't read AAAAAAAAAA puts in a bid and wins. Go figure. I spoke with him and shipped it anyway. Next time I'll add $500.00 shiping and handling fees. Rodman99999 is still right!
So you spoke with him and shipped the unit to Canada. Was there a problem? You don't mention this
To Polk 32 :

That's an interesting point and it raises a question : could you have refused the winning bid since you stated lower US only ? And if so, why did you accept the transaction ? Does your pocket always win over your principles ? What does that make you ?
Yes, I could have refused to ship the items, and he could have given me a neg. no big deal because I would just switch and sell thru agon. My problem is that if it says lower US. only, people should ask first not just bid. I will charge $500.00 extra for stupidity and handling if this happens again. I could have given away the tonearm with the 2 free carts. wiring harness and armboard for free to an American, so I guess that would have been a sign that indicates I'm rich, but also Patriotic. USA Rules! Like it or not! I will sell to Nigeria before canada.
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