SLP-05, REF3, LS26, Mac C2300

I'm looking for a new/used preamp and am considering the above. Except for the C2300, there are no dealers within 300 miles that carry Cary or ARC. If you have any of the above preamps, can you describe the relative sound of it especially if you've owned more than one of the above.

The C2300 was nice but lack some definition and tight bass; it have serveral XLR outputs and inputs and a level/gain control which I liked. The SLP-05 only has one XLR input and output and no gain control. The ARC preamps of course have all XLR/RCA inputs and outputs; I prefer using XLR given I have some expensive Kimber KS-1136 interconnects.

My speakers are B&W 803D, Magnum Dyalab 609T XM tuner, Cary 306 Pro CD player, Spectron MK2 w/V-Cap option amp and Mont Blanc speaker cables.

I have a wide range of listening tastes.

Thanks in advance for helping me make this decision.

Btw, I have read various reviews but am also intetested in views from people that have owned or heard these preamps.
The ARC Ref 3 remains by far my very preferred tube preamplifier. I have compared it favorably with a number of tube base preamplifiers and prefer it for its linearity and exposure of harmonics over a variety of them. My selection process is discussed in one of my threads, with my actual listening experience starting at:
My Ref 3 is by the way equipped with the NOS variant of the 6H30 tubes, called the 6H30DR 'supertubes'". Guido
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I owned the LS26. I loved the midband - voices were magical. But I like a weighty, deep-reaching low bass, and the LS26 is audibly light in the low bass. The entry-level VTL 2.5 I had before, and the Krell KCT I replaced the LS26 with, went notably deeper. I wouldn't recommend the LS26 if you like a deep bottom end.