Is too much power in an amp really a problem?

As recently as 8-10 yrs. ago, I maintained my card carrying residence in the ‘lots o’ watts’ camp’ regularly. I’ve since held only a casual attendance to that group, and since departed with the acquisition of higher eff speakers, and lower powered tube amps.

Now I’m debating the future and appropriateness, of that perception and considering another SS, or a non tube amp. This time a digital amp… such as a class D or ICE configuration… as in a Bel Canto, PS Audio, Spectron, Wyred 4 S, etc., to use for both music and HT with my current Silverline speakers.

Several of these amps profess IMO rather high ratings for output power. 250, 300, and 500 wpc into 8 ohms, as your ‘oh by the way’ choices, and then doubling up should the impedance drop off to 4 ohms!

1000 wats per!

E frekin' Gad!

Truth be told, I’ve never put together a high eff speaker & high powered amp combo, nor felt the need, so I’m in a whole new ball game now, or am I?

I understand immense power reservoirs on tap, (like with my former BAT vk500) is a good thing, as well as are other attributes like a good input impedance, and control or damping figures. that amp ran VR4 JRs though, and both have since departed la casa Sunburn.

Additionally, my current tube mono blocks (120wpc) handle my 93db Sonata IIIs quite well IMO. My Odyssey Stratos SE also does a good enough job too rated at about 160 wpc. Between the two amps, the Dodds are the better sounding, and appear to have better control and more ease with the Silverliness.

In making a choice on one of these Digital or ICE amps, should the power numbers be regarded as something other than what they are? I mean more likely, do 250 wpc into 8 ohm rated ICE amps provide likewise results or the same feel, of an SS amp having the same output? Ie., control, power reserves, etc?

I do feel a good match between the speakers and amp is a prime consideration now, and do not wish to buy far too much or too little an amp, given these thoughts.

There too is the thought of the amps actual 'voice' itself to consider.

I sure wouldn’t want to smoke the speaks with too little or too much power on tap. Or have the amp ()s) always loafing. Or is that loafing bit just nonsense?

Any experiences and insights here on the digi power front is more than appreciated as I'm trying to get a 'feel' for this 'new to me' amp topology and not over or under buy.

Thanks much.
Interesting. . . I usually get a little cantankerous with fellow Audiogoners by about the middle of August, when the temperature in my home office reaches the low hundreds. By mid september, I am typically back to my unflappable self. Unfortunately, it seems that our Bill may be a little more sensitive to heat than I am. By the time the last of the maples in western New York state are in full foliage, he starts picking fights on Audiogon. The good news of course is that by the time I fly off my 1st rocker, maples in Buffalo will be turning red, Bill will have downed his 1st flanels of the Fall season, and he will be back to his peaceble self. Excellent arrangement really, because we never seem to get mad at the world at the same time.

On the other hand, it is really too bad that he gets so cranky so easily. He would find it a lot easier to find customers for those marvellous Bel Canto Amplifiers and TEAC Esoteric players that we both love so much, if he only managed to assume a sunnier disposition during the summering canicula. Perhaps a mid year rereading of the collected works of the immortal Dale Carnegie may allieviate his obvious Weltschmertz. G.
Blindjim seemed to be exploring an interesting question and Guido, mentioning several brands other than Rowland, joined in talking, on point, about the issue. Next thing we know, Ill-Will-Bill-Feil comes along to slam Guido and me in one fell swoop.

BTW, in order to save others any need to research me, I own a Rowland Continuum 500 which I use to drive speakers presenting a nominal 4 ohm load, such that the amp has a potential of 1,000 wpc. Maybe poor ole Bill anticipated what I'm going to say next.

I moved up from a C-J putting out around 200 wpc and I've heard the various powered Rowland amps driving the same speakers and noticed a very clear improvement in bass control, in particular, as the power went up. I don't claim to fully understand why, but the best sounding amplifiers to me were the ones delivering more power.


Again… Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far…
Consttraveler, Ptmconsulting, Ericjcabrera, Jaybo, Sprink, Viridian, Shadorne, Dodgealum, Mapman, Kijanki, Markwatkiss, Larryi, Jaymark, Joeylawn36111, Spectron, and Dcstep. I sincerely appreciate it.

To all other’s… thanks. I know you gave it your best shot.

I doubt anyone in this online membership, and pursuing this hobby for any length of time who have had success in parting together a system or 3, won’t have some allegiances, loyalties, fondness, or kind words for the gear they feel made those efforts bare fruit. Add to that many of us here are over the age of twelve acting accordingly as it were, so IMO there is no need to give precautionary notes as to just where one member’s fondness lays. It’s like the sound we strive for, it is too ambiguous and ambitious to define exactly. Nor do I suspect it matters given any veracity propels the statements posted when help is sought. For that matter too, Even dealers well vested experiences and as well intentioned remarks are welcome IMO. Several sellers have already joined in here and I see it as a plus.

There’s really only two sorts of people in this world, the one that spreads happiness and joy where ever they go, and those who spread happiness and joy, when ever they go.

Those with ‘agenda’s’ for or against a product line or other’s, always seem to illuminate more so themselves than those they wish to spotlight, with that self same torch, so to speak.

Personally, I don’t need any such direction or detection. Even for me, spotting a person with less than virtuous motives, or otherwise detractors, isn’t difficult at all.

With most of the music we experience being made in the first 20 wpc or so, the notion of power seems over played at times. This note on how much is being done with so little came as a big surprise to me as I’d never taken the time to actually look at the relationship between power and the sound I heard.

My experience informs me having on hand substantial reserves in that regard are most often beneficial and prove themselves out as an added layer of peace of mind… not to mention a seamless and involving presentation.

As necessary as is power, too much of it can undermine or affect the voice of the audio recreation, as I have seen in the past, once or twice… with a thinly oriented articulated and more often than not sterile depiction of the recording. It can come off flat or lifeless.

Maybe it’s sheer coincidence but when I’ve had rigs where I can only just barely crack the throttle open and the sound is already approaching unbareable levels, I’ve not liked the resultant sound. Conversely, when I’ve been able to ‘get into’ the amps power range a bit more, I’ve been far more pleased.

As I understand it, where the two most important facilities for listening come into play are, the volume knob, and good sense.

Most of the time, I’ll win half that battle. Sometimes, both! Remember, even a blind acorn can find a squirrel!

All the ‘preamps’ at muy disposal have from 0.2 to 1.0 ‘db’ step incremental controls.

With the input here and by talking with a couple makers of these ICE outfitted power plants the primary concerns have been addressed satisfactorily. Now I just gotta plug one in and see for myself.

If John Potis’ review of the Wyred 4 Sound ST 500 ( ) is even 90% accurate, that amp will do the job…. Whether or not I like how it sounds in my system (s) is a whole other thread perhaps. Much can be done too to massage a components presentation. So as I have a couple of options for where it will reside ultimately, or for how long, I’m looking forward to giving one of these interesting products a go asap.
Sounds exciting Jim, if indeed the Wired4Sound are similar in sonic signature to the current Bel Canto Reference series, they aught to be excellent. I was hoping to hear them last fall at RMAF, but I lost my way and ended up missing the suite. I'll develop better caning technique coming October I hope. In the meantime, keep us posted and let us know your impressions if you get the Wired4Sound devices.
Jim, I think that positive impact of more power is very dependent on the speakers' efficiency and response to damping and power. The first watts loses no importance, but the extra watts are not going to make much difference except with medium and low sensitivity speakers that respond positively to high damping. The extra watts are not there to add volume, but rather to add control. IME, it's pretty easy to hear the positive impact when it's there.
