I bought my PC-1 at the same time I bought the Capri and 102. I hooked them all up together. I have never compared them to anything else. I have never listened without the PC-1. The 102 does not see anything below 400 Hz. I have a Perreaux PMF 1850 to drive my woofers from 400 down to around 45 or 50 Hz. My system doesn't reproduce from 20 to 20K. I don't even want to know how loud it can play. I'm quite happy but might someday upgrade to a Continuum 500 or just get my Audio Mirror stuff out of the boxes again.
I don't know what modules are in use or what thinking went into their selection. It amazes me that so much concern is expended over such things by people who smoke cigarettes and eat fast food. Way too much emphasis is put on cosmetics, parts lists and pedigrees and way too little on the passive enjoyment of music. Critcal listening, as so many of you like to call it, is not passive or enjoyable. It is anal and obsessive and just gets in the way. Too many armchair quarterbacks in this game.
I don't know what modules are in use or what thinking went into their selection. It amazes me that so much concern is expended over such things by people who smoke cigarettes and eat fast food. Way too much emphasis is put on cosmetics, parts lists and pedigrees and way too little on the passive enjoyment of music. Critcal listening, as so many of you like to call it, is not passive or enjoyable. It is anal and obsessive and just gets in the way. Too many armchair quarterbacks in this game.