Is too much power in an amp really a problem?

As recently as 8-10 yrs. ago, I maintained my card carrying residence in the ‘lots o’ watts’ camp’ regularly. I’ve since held only a casual attendance to that group, and since departed with the acquisition of higher eff speakers, and lower powered tube amps.

Now I’m debating the future and appropriateness, of that perception and considering another SS, or a non tube amp. This time a digital amp… such as a class D or ICE configuration… as in a Bel Canto, PS Audio, Spectron, Wyred 4 S, etc., to use for both music and HT with my current Silverline speakers.

Several of these amps profess IMO rather high ratings for output power. 250, 300, and 500 wpc into 8 ohms, as your ‘oh by the way’ choices, and then doubling up should the impedance drop off to 4 ohms!

1000 wats per!

E frekin' Gad!

Truth be told, I’ve never put together a high eff speaker & high powered amp combo, nor felt the need, so I’m in a whole new ball game now, or am I?

I understand immense power reservoirs on tap, (like with my former BAT vk500) is a good thing, as well as are other attributes like a good input impedance, and control or damping figures. that amp ran VR4 JRs though, and both have since departed la casa Sunburn.

Additionally, my current tube mono blocks (120wpc) handle my 93db Sonata IIIs quite well IMO. My Odyssey Stratos SE also does a good enough job too rated at about 160 wpc. Between the two amps, the Dodds are the better sounding, and appear to have better control and more ease with the Silverliness.

In making a choice on one of these Digital or ICE amps, should the power numbers be regarded as something other than what they are? I mean more likely, do 250 wpc into 8 ohm rated ICE amps provide likewise results or the same feel, of an SS amp having the same output? Ie., control, power reserves, etc?

I do feel a good match between the speakers and amp is a prime consideration now, and do not wish to buy far too much or too little an amp, given these thoughts.

There too is the thought of the amps actual 'voice' itself to consider.

I sure wouldn’t want to smoke the speaks with too little or too much power on tap. Or have the amp ()s) always loafing. Or is that loafing bit just nonsense?

Any experiences and insights here on the digi power front is more than appreciated as I'm trying to get a 'feel' for this 'new to me' amp topology and not over or under buy.

Thanks much.
I bought my PC-1 at the same time I bought the Capri and 102. I hooked them all up together. I have never compared them to anything else. I have never listened without the PC-1. The 102 does not see anything below 400 Hz. I have a Perreaux PMF 1850 to drive my woofers from 400 down to around 45 or 50 Hz. My system doesn't reproduce from 20 to 20K. I don't even want to know how loud it can play. I'm quite happy but might someday upgrade to a Continuum 500 or just get my Audio Mirror stuff out of the boxes again.

I don't know what modules are in use or what thinking went into their selection. It amazes me that so much concern is expended over such things by people who smoke cigarettes and eat fast food. Way too much emphasis is put on cosmetics, parts lists and pedigrees and way too little on the passive enjoyment of music. Critcal listening, as so many of you like to call it, is not passive or enjoyable. It is anal and obsessive and just gets in the way. Too many armchair quarterbacks in this game.
"people who smoke cigarettes and eat fast food. . . "

hmmm, I may be an anally retentive listener. . . but I do not smoke and do not touch fast food. . . want to share some flat Chinese noodles stir fried with tofoo and Tuk Ku Choy MacroJack? (grins!)
Yes. Prefer toasted sesame oil.

And I suspect you are aware that most others do not live as you do.

Do you deliver, Guido? I'm not willing to travel.
Macrojack - strange coincidence, I just finished cooking shiitaki mushrooms with beans in sesame oil with ginger and toasted sesame seeds. Can you make it here in next 5-10 min. I will wait.
Hmmm, looks like my circle of health conscious, Asian-food-loving, Icepower-module-twiddling friends may be greater than the threatened empty set after all.

BTW, Tofoo did not accompany the flat noodles with Tuk Ku choi tonight. . . slivers of tender pork lightly stir-fried with Chinese dried mushrooms of the genus Russula, soya sauce and garlic did instead. Of course, I did perfect my wife's fine preparation with a teaspoon of hot Chinese chili paste for good measure.

Now that all's well with the World. . . back to the music. Ms. Uchida playing Mozart on my 91dB sensitive Vienna Mahlers (V1.5 of course). Amplification courtesy of my 500W per channel Icepower-based. . . oops, but you already know that. (grins!)


PS. Smile people, life's too short for long faces. . .