Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?

Recently I bought a class D amp for my friend from Audiogon - PS Audio Trio A-100. In general, I liked it sound very much. Compared to the power section of my much cheaper integrated amp (NAD C320BEE), Trio A-100 sounded fresher, more transparent, richer and juicier. NAD was obviously duller and more reserved. Trio A-100 seemed to energize the air with a sort of vibrancy, while NAD seemed more lifeless. (Of course, I am exaggerating the difference between the amps a bit to make it more clear how they differ from each other.) However, Trio A-100 lacked one parameter, which is very essential for me and without which I cannot truly get lost in the music – namely, the soundstage was flat. It wasn’t absolutely flat, no – but NAD did so much better in this department. When NAD was playing, I heard which instruments and singers were farther from me and which were closer to me. When Trio was playing, everything seemed to be on the same line, equidistant from me.

The previous owner of PS Audio Trio A-100 had told to me about its sound before I bought the amp from him, and he frankly admitted that the soundstage was kind of flat. Before this purchase, I nearly bought another Class D amp – namely, Bel Canto S300. Eventually, this amp went to another buyer, but the owner shared with me his impressions about this amp and, among other things, he wrote: “There might be less depth with some recordings”.

So, at least two owners of Class D amps confessed that their amps lacked soundstage depth.

I wonder – are all Class D amps like that? Is the lack of depth something which is intrinsically inherent in Class D?

My second question is – what if I buy TWO Class D amps and use them as monoblocks – will it solve the problem with the flatness of the soundstage?

Any advice based on personal experience will be much appreciated.
06-12-09: Muralman1 said:
"Tan43 and Nick778 are right. I have found, with my gear, almost all cables sound bad, as well as almost all CD players. This is a fact. I have not heard the amps named here, but I think I can assume my findings would apply to class D amps in general. My super charged Audio Note DAC works wonders, mining CDs for all they are worth. The amps lets it all through untouched."

I'm wondering what amp you're using. Seems to me like your trying to say that your amp is transparent and accurate, revealing any weaknesses in you system, but I don't know what amp that you use. Sorry...

Both those models you mentioned use the same ICEpower 200ASC module. I find this module to be wonderful except it does lack sound field depth. The width is there but front-to-back layering of sound is lacking (it's more 2D in that regard).

With that said, I must point out that not all Class D amps have this trait. In fact in the same ICEpower family the 500ASP and 1000ASP units have excellent soundstage depth/layering.

You'll find that HYPEX, ICEpower ASP modules, nuforce and others have wonderful depth.

As others have said, your associated equipment can make up for this to a degree and it is worth considering.
The ICE 500A module, given an expert's power supply has the sweetest highs.
That all depends on just what you feed it. I found that all oversampling players,
including SACD players have a flat sound stage, unnatural highs, and just are
devoid of life. They give class D a bad rap.
Looking into purchasing a Class D amp.
Is the input device of choice paramount to a deep soundstage or do some brands portray a more realistic soundstage than other brands?
It's probably not the amp, per se. It's more likely to be the match between your amp and your speakers. Have you checked the power ratings, efficiency and impedence between your amp and speakers?

My experience is that soundstage is affected mostly by speakers (almost entirely), and then by the front (analog and/or digital), and next by your preamp. YMMV