Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps

I would like to field opinions on Will Vincents Dynaco amps. I am interested in his complete rebuilds of these classics and would love to read opinions from owner.
I go through a lot of amps, but the one amp that I will never sell is my Will Vincent Dynaco ST-70. Sometimes the ST-70 will be put on a shelf for a month or two while I try something else. (I'm currently having what I think will be a brief fling with a SET amp.) But every time I bring Will's ST-70 back into rotation I am floored by its presence, soundstage, and very good. very natural bass. Upgrade the rectifier tube, leave the El-34 tubes alone. Best amp I own
Just received my Will Vincent Dyna Super 70 amp with 6L6's with triode output of 21 watts per channel. Wow!!! Right out of the box this thing is transparent and detailed with warmth in the midrange with nice tight bass. The retrieval of low level information is astonishing with my 96db Omega MaxHemp V2's (and I didn't even get my Lightspeed preamp yet! When it sees 470K ohm input impedance of Will's amp, I'm sure things will really get cooking! Thank you Will.
I realize I sound like a broken record here on Audiogon, but excepting absolute power and low frequency performance, the Dynaco ST70, fitted with modern parts, eclipses most high-end audio amplifiers of today.

I believe Will Vincent's offerings are an excellent choice for anyone interested in purchasing an ST70.
My fantasy shootout would include many of the Dynaco rebuilds mentioned above, along with Jim Nicholl's version, (speaking of broken records, haha).