onkyo 805 vs 806

i heard there are a few differences, such as codecs being burr browns vs 806's different cirrus i believe. I was going to do a pre/ with an amp but an audiogoner has steered me this way? Which unit is better both can be had used? Which comes with better features?
I'm with Cruz here and have the 05 too. They push these things out like cats having kittens... you can't keep up.

Each year it seems to me, the mid fi or mass fi gear gets made less expensively. Now digi amps are the rage for HT in receivers with many makers. Onkyo too might have gone this way some where in there to lose some weight. Either that or they lessened something in the power supplies probably.

Either Onkyo will be a good choice I'd bet. If one feature set over another suits you... go there.

My only regret is I wasn't inspecting close enough to see that no digital inputs were transferable to alternate zones.... zone 2 & 3 are output analog only, meaning more cabling is required and some niftier navigation for their uses.

otherwise... I think it's a solid pick. To redo it, I'd have waited, saved up some more and chose one with more versatility regarding how inputs run in the added zones... a USB input too would have been prefered.

BTW their support is decent as well... better than some other's by far.
806 has Audyssey Dynamic EQ and the 805 doesn't. The weight loss (13 lbs) had to come out of the power supply - not good. Stick with the 805 if you can find one.
thats what i was thinking too, the 805 sounds like a better machine overall, minus some features that dont matter to me such as the other zones since i will only be in one room

HAVE YOU EVER USED YOUR aUDACY GIZMO? I HAVE NOT. I dialed in my distances and so forth and run it without any EQ at all... just the Odyssey amp... and all HDMI inputs. 2 from pc and one from the cable box.

If it's a "yes" on the auto adjusting sound feature... Did you like what happend... and were you able to save those settings using outboard amps? (which they say it won't work with if other amps are in the mix)
