onkyo 805 vs 806

i heard there are a few differences, such as codecs being burr browns vs 806's different cirrus i believe. I was going to do a pre/ with an amp but an audiogoner has steered me this way? Which unit is better both can be had used? Which comes with better features?
ok well thanks for the clarifications...you have been a huge help! Now for one last question, is this the best i can do used in that used price range for the features i am looking for? I just received an offer for my marantz sr7400 for 275 split shipping...is that a good offer, i counter with 315 shipped. I am using the money from that along with my previous sale of my marantz sr 7000 to fund this pruchase. thank you for all your help everyone.
Also, any suggestions on rear surrounds for the HT. I am really looking hard into some used ADP's from paradigm. Will those fit the snells i currently have in front? (E3 and HCC-500) However i have seen some new dipoles on ebay for cheaper. Dont know the name could possibly be awful speakers JW if anyone has exprience with them.
Cheers, TJ
I've said enough (or more than enough) about the 805. As for surrounds, they are not that critical, especially for movies (you will most likely set them for an 80hz crossover so the sub will do all the bass anyway). Now if you listen to a lot of audiophile-grade 5.1 music, they are more important. I only listen to music in 2 channel, so I am using very inexpensive Infinity 150s for surrounds with movies. They work great. Dipoles are very good for surrounds because of the diffusive soundfield they produce. Personally, I would put the money elsewhere.

Your center channel speaker is the most important speaker in your HT since it handles the majority of the sound and also, most importantly, vocals. If it is not well-matched to your Snell L/R speakers, things will shift in sound quality as they move across the screen. This will become irritating over time, trust me. Audyssey goes a long way toward integrating the speakers, so if you are close on the speaker types you will likely be okay. If the center channel speaker makes male voices sound boomy, creates sibilance on "s" sounds, or sounds lifeless and boring, this is a killer and Audyssey won't help. Spend your money on the center vs on surrounds.
i think my center is fine.. it is an older snell and its a beast sounds very nice. Not too much info thouhg about it on the web, HCC 500. I really only listen to music on 2 channel i dont like multi channel audi unless its a concert dvd my hunt for the 805 begins!
Dlcockruhave you ever thought up a way to emulate or duplicate these Auto EQ setup features using outboard - external amps connected to the Onkyo?

I wonder if following the Audacy setup, those settings are able to be seen in the EQ menu and then written down and re-entered once the amps were connected back up to the rec.

I understand once other amps are inplay things will likely change sonically... but figured perhaps this would be a better or maybe even, good enough point to stay at or begin with for further tweaking.
