What budget integrated for 2-channel A/V gear?

Seeking recommendations for budget 2-channel (under $400) solid state integrated amp (used) for use with TV,PS3,Roku, subwoofer, and mini-monitor speakers. 50 watts up will be enough. Rather avoid the same old NAD/Cambridge Audio stuff please. Ability to connect my subwoofer a big plus. No phono stage needed or wanted.
I've seen several Audio Refinement Complete integrateds come and go for <$400. It's a former Stereophile Class B component that fits your needs...can't remember if it had a pre out; you might have to run your sub off of the main speaker taps. I've owned it and heartily recommend it.

Several reviews are online.

Good luck!
Excluding the "same old NAD/Cambridge Audio" stuff, there isn't anything in your price range. Period.

So, you'll have to shop used or refurbished. The Onkyo A-9555 is a nice piece and so are the Denon PMA-2000 and Marantz PM7001. All three have phono stages as standard. Tough cookies.

There are some decent 2-channel receivers in your price range from Harman/Kardon, Denon and Marantz. With phono stages standard. Again, tough cookies. They're not quite up to the standards of the integrateds, but they all probably do have a subwoofer output.

You might be able to pick up a Music Hall A25 in your price range, though I'm afraid you might consider that to be along the lines of NAD and Cambridge.

Audio Advisor currently has the Creek Evolution on sale for $700, a big savings over the $1,000 MSRP. No phono stage and it has preamp outs. You'd be hard pressed to find a used one for $700, so it might be worth stretching your budget if this appeals.

I'd mention used Arcam but...too similar to NAD and Cambridge in terms of pricing, appearance and sound.
I did say used - right? Nothing against Nad or CA per se, had components from both in past. Want to try another brand.
I also like the Onkyo A-9555 a whole lot. It doesn't have a sub out, but I've found that some of the <$500 subs sound better with the speaker connections anyway. It also doesn't have pre-outs, and it doesn't have video switching.

What it does have, however, is an insanely low noise floor at its price (essential for HT to hear dialog), great dynamics, great slam and current delivery, and sounds much more powerful and expensive than its price would suggest.

The Onkyo A-9555 now lists at $799 and is worth every penny, but a new batch of Onkyo factory refurbished units are available with exchange privileges and warranty for $429 in black or silver at www.accessories4less.com.

It also has a remote you can use by feel in the dark.

I've heard the Cambridge 640A extensively and owned the Outlaw RR2150 for awhile. I've also had various classic vintage amps and pre-amps from Amber and VSP Labs from the '80s that would fit your budget. But I'll take this Onkyo over any of them--new Cambridge or Outlaw or vintage Amber--in a heartbeat. The Onkyo has the Cambridge's detail plus much better frequency extension and slam, and it's faster, clearer, and quieter than the Outlaw.