Synergy between AR Ref 3 and Pass X amps

I am concerned about the compatibility of AR Ref 3 into Pass x-1000. The x-1000 has a low input resistance of 20kohm and have read that Ref 3 prefers amps with higher resistances. Any advice or experience?
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Similarly, I was wondering how an ARC Ref 3 (output impedence 600 ohms balanced) would match with a Mac MC402 (input impedance 20,000 ohms balanced). But I imagine I would encounter similar difficulties as Tvad. I am currently using a BAT VK-31 SE (output impedence 300 ohms) with good results but the prices on the Ref 3 have come down considerably in anticipation of the Ref 5.
No issue with the impednace match. There have been numerous threads discussing about this topic. I have an LS-25 Mk I and X350.5. There are no issues. My friend is using Ref 3 with X350.5 without any issue.

My concern with your combo is that Ref 3 is fairly neutral, and the X1000 (non .5 version) is also very neutral. You may or may not like the end result. (Or the result may not be what you would expect.) I had compared the X350 and X350.5 side-by-side, and the differences are not subtle.

I have tried my Ref 3 with Pass X-250, 350 and 350.5 - no problems at all (other than mentioned by Gundam91).