Music Reference RM 200 vs. Mcintosh 275 amp

Has anyone compared the Music Reference RM 200 and the Mcintosh 275? Thank You.
Bbloom's post is 100% right on. They RM 200 is a good amp when working. But should something go wrong, Roger is very difficult to reach and even more difficult to deal with.

Bbloom's post is 100% right on. The RM 200 is a good amp when working. But should something go wrong, Roger is very difficult to reach and even more difficult to deal with.

Add me to the list of those owning and loving a couple of Music Reference amps and having nothing but the best experience dealing with Roger.
For what it's worth, I used to have an RM-9. I had a few problems with the biasing circuit components (esp. pots) and Roger assisted me in fixing them myself, talking me through the procedures, giving upgrade advice, and explaining everything (and I do mean everything!) to me in the friendliest manner. I know that, like all-too-many brilliant designers in this field, he can be eccentric, arrogant, and close-minded. But in my experience he was always polite and extremely helpful and forthcoming.
By the way, for me, at any rate, it was seldom a problem getting 'hold of him by phone. I do believe it helps if you appear to understand something about the subject and have a little experience.
Lastly, the sound of the RM-9 left little to complain about. The only reason I got rid of it was a need to use class A ss amps on my Shahinians.