MBL 7006 Integrated. How Does This Amp Sound Like?

I am particularly looking at an amp that has excellent tonal accuracy with speed, PRAT, bass slam and dynamics. I am not into the warm and lush kind of sound. So far the LFD Zero MkIII integrated has exhibited the traits that I like but it doesn't have a remote control, balanced inputs and HT bypass. I was wondering whether the MBL integrated would sound more or less similar to the LFD.

Lastly, apart from the higher power rating of the MBL 7008, what are the differences between the 7006 and 7008?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you for the detailed and comprehensive response. It was much appreciated. I have read the review in Stereotimes and the write-up seems to be pretty convincing. I guess the combination between the MBL and Krell Resolution 3 speakers must be a good one since you are happy with it. I presume the Krell speakers are more forward and revealing compared to my Harbeth speakers, hence I am not too sure if the MBL would possess enough PRAT and dynamics to drive the Harbeths to my liking. It is funny that the reviewer mentioned about the Krell KAV-400xi in his last comments on the MBL 7008 and ML 383 which seemingly placed the lesser priced integrated at the same rank with these two wonderful pieces.
As someone that has extensive experience with MBL gear over the last 10 years(and currently runs an all MBL reference system, I would have a tendancy to stay clear of their Basic line. I've tried several times to get the maximum out of their Noble line and just ended getting drawn into their sweetspot which is in the Reference line.
At a minimum, I would suggest trying to pick up a pair of 8011AM's on AGon for 7-8k, these will offer much more performance than a 7008 int. for not alot of extra $$.
If you can make it to the 9007's, now you talkin', but you need compatable surrounding equipment and wires.
But unless you have the ability to sink some big bucks into their gear(and if you do, it can be very rewarding as their sound is quite unique, especially for listening to live stuff), you may be spending hefty $$ and not getting the performance you desire.
If you want to steer away from anything warm and lush, I don't feel the MBL gear will produce what you're looking for, especially in the Basic line.
As to Jaybo's comments it sounds like the Krell KAV 400xi may offer more of what you're looking for as far as getting the best out of the Harbeth's.
Just one mans honest opinion, as a huge MBL fan.

Hi Jackaroe,
Thank you for your opinion on MBL gear. It has been a privilege to have advice from someone who has had extensive experience with equipment from this high-end German manufacturer. The MBL higher-end stuff is out of my budget, and since you mentioned the Basic line of MBL gear may not give me the sound I seek, I think I need to reshuffle my priorities.

Thanks again for your advice.