Phono Input in the Musical Fidelity A5.5???

I am a newbie and I am building my system from the ground up. I am trying to use quality equipment so I will not get the upgrade bug so fast. I am seriously considering the Musical Fidelity A5.5 Integrated Amp for an upgrade in my system (I am currently using a Marantz SR-6400). It will be joining a ClearAudio Emotion TT with Kirksaeter Prisma 210 speakers. What I am wondering is how is the quality of the onboard phono stage on this amp, or is it better to go with the A3.5 and with an external phono stage (ClearAudio Nano)?
I have one thought about your question, apart from the phono stage consideration,but regarding your desire to "not get the upgrade bug so fast". If you want to go with Musical Fidelity- I have had four of their pieces in the past and think they are fine products- I would choose the A5.5 over the A3.5 for power reasons. If you eventually become interested in other speakers you may need the extra power. I suggest you settle what power requirements you are looking for in an integrated amp first. Then think through the phono stage. Just a thought.
Don't get either one, go with the M3 Nuvista. There are 3 priced from $1995 to $2395. Better built and over 300 watts at 8 ohms in tests. It has a MM phono stage. All of these have decent phono stages but not equal to their power and line stages. I use a Dynavector 75 and Blue Circle 707 with my M3. The Dynavector is exceptional at it's price and if you can find one used it would be good with any of the amps.
I have to agree with Stanwal. Don,t buy either . I own a Tri Vista 300(0ver 350 watts @ 8 ohm) and am quite familiar with the M3 . Way better built, sounding and lots more quality power and better pre-amp section. The phono stage in either the M3 or Tri Vista gives little to a graham slee era gold. I use the Reflex which is head and shoulders above the era gold and the built in. But to compare it to the era gold shows it is not to bad for a built in phono stage till you can add something later. I think this supports Valinars opinion of settling power first. Cheers