Leach Super Amp

Good evening.
A friend of mine has recently inherited a pair of mono power amps, almost like rack mountable, with a big heat sink in the back and measuring 4-5in. tall. They feature a black faceplate, wooden sides and have TheLeachSuperAmp written on the face plate.
I did a little research on the Internet and found that this is a DIY design of professor Leach at the Georgia Institute of Technology, but the pieces I saw look like they were made by a company and definitely not in someone's garage. There are also no reviews or consumer information that I was able to find.
If you by any chance have any information that you can share, I would be grateful.
Thank you and best regards.
I owned the Leach LSR&D stereo amp back in the 80's and they sucked. Dry, cold sound! Leach does not believe in matching transistors.

Pass on them!

Not sure what you have , but i have heard leach based amplifiers before and the sound and stability was fantastic for the era. Since it was an open circuit, available to DIY , most builds are not the same so I'm not sure my comments would be the same for your amplifier.

I would give them a shot !!!!!
Many thanks Rleff, Don_c55, & Weseixas for your thoughts.

I'm definitely going to audition the Leach LSR&D monoblocks in the store and even push for an in home audition. The seller wants $975 for the pair since they are in near mint condition with newly installed teflon RCA jacks and speaker terminals. I really don't want to buy them and end up not liking the sound. They are quite heavy and I'd have a hard time selling and shipping them.

I'm pushing my luck. I purchased a Sumo Nine + for my 2nd system from this same store without an audition. Luckily it integrated well in my 2nd system. I'll try to haggle on the price if I decide to buy the Leach super amps.

Thanks again. JD