Jolida 102B - enough power for Smaller Advents?

I've got an old pair of Smaller Advent speakers that I'm planning on having restored (new foam, etc.). I'm currently looking at an amp to drive them, and thinking about going tube. Although I've never owned a tube power amp before, I'm familiar with the sound of tubes in recording equipment, and I think I would really enjoy a tube amp in my listening system. Based on what I've been reading, Jolida looks like the best deal in my pricerange (ca. $700). However, there doesn't seem to be a Jolida dealer in my area - all the "audiophile" shops around here seem to want to sell me a home theater receiver! Therefore, I haven't been able to audition the amplifier, and I haven't been able to figure out if it would adequately drive the Advents (via the 4 ohm taps, of course).
I don't need thunderous volume. Sources would be my Oppo universal player, and maybe a turntable (through an external phono preamp). I listen to classical, indie rock, and jazz, pretty much in that order. Thanks!
Thanks, that's kind of what I was afraid of. I'm guessing that if I want to use the Smaller Advents, I'd have to go solid-state. I probably don't have the funds to buy the Jolida as well as a new pair of speakers, but assuming I did, what would be a reasonably-priced pair that can be decently driven by the 102b?
Well, I got it straight from the horse's mouth, as it were. According to an email I received from Jolida, the 102B will have trouble with speakers rated at less than 88 dB sensitivity. According to some specs I found, the Smaller Advent is rated at around 83 dB.
I wouldn't waste my time with the small advents unless it was just for nostalgia's sake. They just do not sound as good as today's speaker designs. They are constrained and muddeled in comparison. The little Jolida would match well with a set of bookshelf Triangles or Focals which are both highly efficeint and can be found used in the $300 to $500 range.

I've been using my 102b (w/factor mods) with the Green Mountain Audio Europa Max’s with very nice results. Used GMA Europa (not the Max) sell for around $500. Great value for the money.
I run a Dyna ST-70 on the small Advents. I use them as studio monitors in my electronic music lab. I am always out of power! and my room is really small, 9 x 11 feet.

If you are planning an amp like that, I would get a set of ZU Druids or the like. They will have the same bandwidth as the Advents, no worries there! -and you'll have plenty of power.