Groove Tubes EL34LS vs SED

i have a amp air tight ATM-3 to be precise that currently uses Siemens EL34. I want a bit more dynamics especially at the bass. Has anyone tried these? The Siemens seem at the end of their life, although they test fine in a tube tester, the bias cant be adjusted sufficiently high. Since I got this amp recently (used) I dont know if the lack of bottom end is due to old tubes, or just the amp itself.Advice appreciated THX
By the way, For what it's worth, I have tried the Brimar 13D5s with my Air Tights. Though they present a very nice sound, I found them somewhat light in the bass (the area you are concerned with). I strongly recommend you try those Mullard "boxplates" in the 12au7 sockets. You might be pleasantly surprised.
el34's are supposed to be light in the bass...alays have been and ill be....their magic is the midrange.
to Gmuffley - are the groove tubes el-34ls teslas? how is the high end? The Siemens high end is fine, but not the "slam".Have u compared with the SED? I'm about to buy new sets and its between the groove tubes and sed. Based on this feedback, i may go for the groove tubes. BTW, i am running Brimar 13D5 and Sovtek 12AX7LPS NOS circa 2003. cables are the new Oval 9s. THX everyone!

It is my understanding that the JJ/Tesla El-34LS and Groove Tubes are the same. The ones that I have were made in the Czech Republic and were purchased from Penta Labs. The high end response is excellent, but perhaps not as good as the very best El-34 tubes. The SED tubes are very nice, but don't have the slam of the El-34LS.

07-08-09: Jaybo
el34's are supposed to be light in the bass...alays have been and ill be....their magic is the midrange.
Jaybo (Threads | Answers)

I would agree with you if El-34 tubes are used in ultralinear or triode mode, which is the case with the vast majority of amps. The same is not true when run in pentode mode with a regulated screen grid supply, as is the case with the Quicksilver M-135 monoblocks and the original Quicksilver MS-190 stereo amp.
Generally speaking, and relative to the other biggies, EL 34s tend to be a bit bass shy, however, with the right match of components, including cables and other smaller tubes like the 12au/ax7s, one can cull some very respectable bass reproduction. I listen mainly to large scale orchestral music and really don't feel I'm missing much in terms of heft/power. More than likely, though, the fellow who drives his car past my house now and then would disagree.