Tube Integragrated w/ Phono

Can anyone recommend a good Tube Integrated with a phono stage? Do they exist??


Try a vintage Scott integrated. Very sweet sounding, great phono stage, and very cool looking, if you like the retro look. Mapleshade sells refurbished/upgraded units that sound fantastic, but original sound great too. I own two, and they sound more musical than my Musical Fidelity A3 ss integrated.
Third vote for the Rogue Audio Cronus...... Its internal phono stage matches quite well with my Rega P3-24/Exact 2 front end and Vandersteen 1C speakers. It's a very musical, natural sounding integrated amplifier, with great truth of timbre, a wide/deep soundstage, an incredible mid-range, and a very impressive extension at both ends of the audible range.
2nd vote for the Scott integrated. I have a 299 paired with a Thorens TD125MKII turntable. Wonderful, full, sweet, detailed sound.