Class A amplifiers - which are considered the best

I have heard Accuphase makes the highest quality pure class A amplifiers. Wanted to get some feedback on folks experience with their amps and any other amp manufacturers that would be in their league (or better) for class a amps. thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xdangelod
George, I'm mightily impressed by your abilities (to take on such a challenging project) Beautiful work.

Your real name should be Georgehifi+!!
03-06-12: Doggiehowser: Didn't Nelson Pass create the sliding bias thingamabob? :03-06-12: Doggiehowser

In actual fact my ex boss (Steven Deratz) invented the first sliding bias system back in 1978 and had a world wide provisional patent on it for a couple of years. But his system worked a bit like negative feedback, it monitored the signal and tried to adjust the bias up and down in real time which was a loosing battle because it was never in real time, just like global negative feedback.

I don't think Nelson ever had an auto bias system just an optical bias system which was on the S300/S500 MkII's, when he did Class A he went more for the real thing.

Later Krells plateau bias where it kick it up and stays for a while and gradually comes down is the next best. But think about it the initial (first) transient is not in class A because it lags behind like my ex boss's system (so it's class B "harsh") then if successive transients "lower" than the original follow all's good they are in class A, if higher they are in class B again, and if there is a quite passage the bias drops down again and it starts all over again.
This is why, I strongly believe that proper hard biased Class A cannot be by any auto adjustable type system.

Cheers George
Ralph how would you decide on what power the class would change at if you were to attempt using the MA1 as a example? I am just curious.
Thx Rx8man, my real name should have been georgehifi but for some reason Audiogon would not let me use this, so I went with the next thing I could remember.
Here is a more descriptive post of the self contained water cooled class A I built.

Cheers George
Question: NAD "Power Envelope" amps....Hope I'm not
going too far off topic, but with the recent comments
about sliding bias circuitry, I'm genuinely curious
about what, if any, similarities exist between the
NAD 2600a method (mid 1990's) and the Krell method.
The NAD's have never been called Class A, have they ?