Amplification for Wilson Watt Puppy 7s or 8s

Putting together a new system and would like feedback from those within the community who own Puppy 7s or 8s in particular. I am trying to narrow my choice regarding amplification from the following. Would appreciate your feedback regarding your experience using these in your system:

VTL S-400 Reference; VTL 450 monos w/ VTL T.L6.5 preamp
BAT VK 150SE monos w/ VK 52SE preamp
VAC Phi-200 monos w/renaissance preamp
E.A.R. 890 monos w/E.A.R. 912 preamp

My listening room is 25"L x 17'W x 12'T . I listen to all genres of jazz, blues, house music, classical, gospel and spoken word. Yes it is eclectic but I truly love all forms of music. From time to time I will turn the volume up quite high but this is the exception, not the rule.

I hope to acquire most, if not all, of the components pre-owned but well taken care of. If I need to buy new, I will as a last resort.
Lubes, I've heard the WPs with T+A amps on a number of occasions in a dealer system. IMHO, the T+A amp was performing at a lower level compared to BAT or Halcro amps in the same system. Not sure which model it was, but the T+A amp was holding the system back. Just my 2 cents.

I've had WP7s for a few years and used to use a Krell FPB-400cx. The power and bass was great but I agree with others here that that version of the Krell missed some midrange and HF magic. So, I've been on a search for tube amps too. FWIW, the best I've heard in my system so far are the Atmasphere MA1s. The have the very clean and open sound of OTLs. One more option to consider.
I was talking to one of my dealers and he suggested I try the EAR 890 tube amp. It's only 70 watts of class A power and can be used as 160 watt mono-blocks, but he thinks it would be more than enough for the WP8s. The reviews, though old, are very positive.

I've got nothing to lose and have always been intriged by the discussions of tube amps. I'll keep you posted on what I hear.
Dear audiophile friends,

What about ASR emitter ii exclusive with WP 7 or 8?

I am preparing to upgrade and i am considering the following setup:
- dcs puccini, which i already have
- asr emitter ii exclusive
- WP 7 or 8
- nordost valhalla

comments and suggestions ?

I have a fried tha live at other state , he had a pair of wp 7 and he used with audio research vt200, he tryied emiter ii, and all the audipholes that were there to listene tese amplifier became every disapointed, they told me the high was very very bad compared to the higs of AR. Next days I will receive one Wp 8 and I amgoing to use with audio areo PP 50 watts classe a ( kt 88, EL34, 6sn7).

Thanks for your response. Yes, the T+A may have been holding back the WP8s, but they did sound better than the Spectron Premiere amp. I would guess the Musician III will outclass both of those amps.

I have heard good reports about the Atma-Sphere amps, not necessarily with the WP8s. Have you heard anything else since?
