Bryston 28 sst's vs Spectron Musician 3 SE ?

I was wondering if anyone has compared both the newish Bryston kw monoblock amps; the 28 sst's; which received rave reviews vs the the class D Spectron Musician 3; rated at around 600 watts, for the pair of monoblocks; in the same ball park on price, $16k for the pair of Bryston; and around the same for the Spectron. I am looking to replace my MBL 8011's powering my MBL 111'es; looking for 'warmth' in the highs, and more punch in the base; with detail and openness...I feel my current amps are not quite powerful enough to fully open my low impedence speakers; at 4 ohms...
Or if people might suggest other high power ss amps to consider; I'm open to other recommendations..The new Musical Fidelity Tritans are a bit out of my range; as are the mbl 9008's...

Thanks in advance for suggestions and recommendations.
Forgot to mention, sorry. I have different, very difficult to drive speakers Watt/Puppy 8. Also, before Spectrons I drove them with tube amp - Mackintosh MC2102. Spectrons are CLEARLY better.

thanks everyone for their responses and seems that this indeed makes for an interesting 'shoot out'; and there are people on both camps on this topic; which is dealer is still breaking in his Bryston 28 sst monos; I'm hoping to borrow them for an audition in two weeks; then to hear the Spectrons...I'll post back after I get this done...
at least no one is recommending that I spend even more on the bigger MBL's; or more expensive solid state amps yet..this I think is doable for me in my system...
I'd like to hear thoughts on power cords and cable synergies as well...
Thanks again to everyone who responded...
I disagree with specific auditioning methods, comparing listening at a dealers location and then in your own home, just doesn't add up for me.

It seems that I was addressed regarding Spectron and a new model, firstly I was not "scared" that Spectron will introduce a new bla! bla! You are being very naive if you think this is the last amp and all you have to do is take a look at their past history, need I say more.

If you are going to listen to Bryston 28 SQ mono blocks I would recomend you have them plugged into Torus RM20 conditioners at least, one for each amp if you really want to hear what these can do.

In the end just make sure what ever it is that you are demoing make sure they are well broken-in, compared in your own set-up and enjoy.
just to clarify, i was under the impression that all spectral amps are to be used with MIT cabling ONLY.

anyone doing otherwise? be a darn shame to have to change your speaker cables to accomodate an amp.