Ayon spirit vs audio research vsi-60

Does anyone know how the Ayon spirit would compare to the audio research vsi-60? This would be driving totem winds. Any feed back on this would be appreciated.
you may be able to audition the arc in your area. though its modest in wpc compared to ss counterparts, the arc will drive the power hungry mani...the wind however may be a challenge for either amp. something north of 100wpc may be more suitable. i think the manufacturer or your dealer may be able to guide you best, but a beefy krell integrated would be worth a listen. the speaker is killer, but it does need killer 'power' over amp 'type'.
Jaybo. i did audition the vsi-60 already. And if it can drive the MANNI's then it would have no problems driving my winds as the Manni's are harder to drive then the winds.
AR and Ayon Audio are for sure top brands. But I can tell you that the Ayon Spirit, which I owned previously, I ended pulling the trigger on uograding to the Triton, well the Spirit is an excellent unit. My friend owns the AR vsi60 and there is no doubt that the Spirit was more micro detailed and musical, it was apparent from the getgo when we spent the afternoon ABing. I am pretty sure that the Pure Class A factor is the differnace. The specs on the AR, its not pure class a.
then you should be 'home free' with the arc. its an incredible piece and the speakers are among the best. enjoy.
there is also the option of the new ayon orion amp. it is my understanding that the orion is the original spirit but manufactured in china instead of austria and retails for $2400 instead of the $4000 price of the spirit II. the spirit II would have better parts, made in austria and comes with more expensive tubes.
usa tube audio has a trail period.