Hybrid vs. Straight Tubes

I am serioulsy considering the purchase of a Jolida Hybrid Amplifier, most likely an integrated amp (tube-pre section with solid state power). The amp will be used to drive my Monitor Audio RS6s.

I am after tube sound and coloration.

The advantage of the hybrid amp is the added power at a reasonable cost.

My question is, will I be trading off the tube qualities for added power? And, is the added power even needed to drive my speakers?

Which would be preferable a 40 watt tube amp, or a 100 watt hybrid?

PS: For more details regarding my system, please see my post in virtual systems.

TVAD writes:

"However, I heard a significant change in the Moscode 401HR hybrid amplifier by changing non-output, nine-pin tubes."

The same can be said for changing the input tubes in tube amps as well. Changing cables will change the sound too, so I'm not really sure what the point of that statement is.

But I do know that I used to use tube/MOSFET hybrid amps and now I'm back to all tube designs. This is not to say that I'm not open to trying other designs in the future.
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I've heard the Jolida hybrid amps and have not been impressed. That said, I guess I haven't been overly impressed with the Jolida 302b I had years ago. Overall, I'd probably go for a tube integrated, perhaps something other than Jolida.
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First and foremost, thank you all for the feedback.

I am currently using a Marantz integrated amp with 40w RMS and I have no real complaints about power.

However, in response to Tvad's comment "provided the room is small to medium", I live in an open concept condo, the room were my system is installed is 24' x 24' with 12' ceilings. My listening area takes up about a 1/4 of the space (A photo can be seen on my virtual system). Could this be considered medium?

As mentioned above I don't have in issue per se with the power of my current set up but I was under the impression that to get the most out of your speakers it is preferable to drive them and the top end of power range (120W for RS6).

I have been looking at the Prima-Luna & Rogue amps. But I recently had an opportunity to purchase a Jolida 1501RC for a very good price. I think I'll forgoe the offer and wait to find the recommended amps at a good price. I am also considering the Mystere amps, designed by the same people as Prima-Luna.

One last point regarding the Jolida. When I auditoned my speakers, I tried them with a Jolida 302b in addition to the Marantz PM8003 (70W RMS). The tube amp sounded much better. But I did not have any other tube amps to compare it to.

Thanks again.