Hybrid vs. Straight Tubes

I am serioulsy considering the purchase of a Jolida Hybrid Amplifier, most likely an integrated amp (tube-pre section with solid state power). The amp will be used to drive my Monitor Audio RS6s.

I am after tube sound and coloration.

The advantage of the hybrid amp is the added power at a reasonable cost.

My question is, will I be trading off the tube qualities for added power? And, is the added power even needed to drive my speakers?

Which would be preferable a 40 watt tube amp, or a 100 watt hybrid?

PS: For more details regarding my system, please see my post in virtual systems.

First and foremost, thank you all for the feedback.

I am currently using a Marantz integrated amp with 40w RMS and I have no real complaints about power.

However, in response to Tvad's comment "provided the room is small to medium", I live in an open concept condo, the room were my system is installed is 24' x 24' with 12' ceilings. My listening area takes up about a 1/4 of the space (A photo can be seen on my virtual system). Could this be considered medium?

As mentioned above I don't have in issue per se with the power of my current set up but I was under the impression that to get the most out of your speakers it is preferable to drive them and the top end of power range (120W for RS6).

I have been looking at the Prima-Luna & Rogue amps. But I recently had an opportunity to purchase a Jolida 1501RC for a very good price. I think I'll forgoe the offer and wait to find the recommended amps at a good price. I am also considering the Mystere amps, designed by the same people as Prima-Luna.

One last point regarding the Jolida. When I auditoned my speakers, I tried them with a Jolida 302b in addition to the Marantz PM8003 (70W RMS). The tube amp sounded much better. But I did not have any other tube amps to compare it to.

Thanks again.

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I am on leave from work, I will be back next monday. I will borrow the decibel meter we have for measuring the sound level of machinery in industrial environments.

I will post a response then.

I've had ss,moved to all tube power and am now quite satisfied with a tube/ss hybrid amp designed and built by Space-Tech-Labs in Vancouver.It provides me with the best of both technologies,and pairs well with my stats.
I think Tvad's responses are dead nuts on;I also have heard changes by rolling tubes in a moscode 401HR friends system;I think George even encourages rolling in his products as well.
As for the power issue I would buy the most power you can afford within reason;probally other users will slam me on this but it has always been in my case a positive.