Shostakovich, String Quartets 7, 13 and 14, The Fitzwilliam Quartet, L'Oiuseau Lyre DSLO 9 (astoundingly great music in classic performances by The Fitzwilliam Qt - a marvelous LP in every way)
Raff, Symphony No. 3, Kapp/WestphalianSO, Candide CE 31063 (if you're not familiar with the music of Joachim Raff, and you enjoy the music of Brahms, Carl Nielsen, Edvard Grieg, you owe it to yourself to at least explore Raff's music. Recommended starting point: his delightful Symphony No. 5 for which I'd recommend the performance by Herrmann/LPO on Nonesuch H 71287.)
Shostakovich, String Quartets 7, 13 and 14, The Fitzwilliam Quartet, L'Oiuseau Lyre DSLO 9 (astoundingly great music in classic performances by The Fitzwilliam Qt - a marvelous LP in every way)
Raff, Symphony No. 3, Kapp/WestphalianSO, Candide CE 31063 (if you're not familiar with the music of Joachim Raff, and you enjoy the music of Brahms, Carl Nielsen, Edvard Grieg, you owe it to yourself to at least explore Raff's music. Recommended starting point: his delightful Symphony No. 5 for which I'd recommend the performance by Herrmann/LPO on Nonesuch H 71287.)