BAT Rex and Lamm 1.2 with WP8 synergy

Has anyone experienced using BAT rex with lamm 1.2 connected to Wilson WP8. Concerned about input inpedence mismatch between BAT rex 100Kohm and LAmm 1.2 listed as 41Kohm.
I will be adding this to my system soon
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So I guess that BAT's solid state 250 and 600 amps in mono mold would not sound good with the REX due to both having input impedances at 50K ohms in mono. BAT should read Stereophile before designing and building their equipment.
According to BAT's website the input impedance of the amp should be no lower than 3000 ohms. You shouldn't have any problems with 41000 ohms.
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Why not just ask Victor Khomenko of BAT(he's the VK in their product names), he posts regularly on Audio Asylum in the Tubes and Amp/Preampss forums. He'll give a straight answer on this. Here is latest post two days ago