Are mono tube amps my best choice?

I own a Denon 5910 multi disc player as my only source, which I’ve been running into a Burson buffer gain device, and then through two separate passive volume controls. From there I’ve been feeding my four B&K M200 mono amps to my Silverline Grandeur ll speakers. This setup actually sounds pretty nice.

Because my M200s are now over twenty years old, I’m thinking about switching to mono tube amps. I’ve never had tubes in anything I’ve owned. Because my wife and I watch movies (and listen to music), I don’t have space in the middle of the room for a single amp (only 4 inches of height). My stands, passive preamp, and wiring are geared for mono amps.

I live near Sacramento, California, and emailed Min at tubeaudiolab with my room specs and setup to see what he thought would work best. He recommended a pair of mono amps with Kt 88 tubes that produce approximately 60 watts per channel. From the reviews I’ve seen, it appears Min makes some pretty good equipment.

I’m hoping for some Audiogon wisdom to show me the way. Am I making the right choice switching to tube amps? I don’t want to spend more than $2000.
Yes, you will benefit from an upgrade to tubes. Suggest you look at the Cayin VAS line. They have mono blocks. I have two pairs of the VAS units and I have been very happy with each system I use them in. I also have a vintage pair Sound Valves that also sound great. I drive ProAC speakers with all these amps.

Best way is to find a dealer that will loan you a pair to try, nothing else will tell if the fit is right. They need to be audition in your system.
A consideration if you are running 4 tube amps in a small area will be the heat generated.

I never realized that when I had a large basement listening area. When we moved to a smaller house and I was relegated to a bedroom (12 x 14) for 2 channel listening my Atma-sphere M60's heated the room like a sauna. It saves heating in the fall/winter but is uncomfortable after about an hour in the summer.
I find it interesting that your considering going from 400 Watts per channel to 60 Watts per channel.
Rodman99999 / Buconero177

Min just emailed me that he only has one amp to audition. It's his reference amp based on Western Electric Model 91A 300B circuit. It's a single ended stereo amp that puts out 9 watts per channel. He say's that he makes this in a mono version also. Any idea if there is enough power for me to even consider?


I am going to be running just one pair of tube amps--if I buy them. Thank you for making a point about the heat generated by tubes.


I had heard that watts are less crucial with tubes. Do you have experience with tubes as compared to solid state? I would appreciate your input.
The issue of tube Watts vs. ss Watts had been disussed ad naseum here, you might want to check the archives. Your speakers certainly appear as though you might not need the all the power you previously had, but your proposed change is quite significant.