Cary SLP98L vs Juicy Music Peach II

Anyone compared the two? I have the Peach and would like to upgrade to the Cary. Is this an upgrade?
No, keeping the peach, the ability to leave the Cary off in HT mode is a nice feature but I think the Peach is actually the better sounding pre (based on others that have compared the 2)
I may be looking at the Cary again. Any thoughts on the standard SLP 98L vs the Direct Coupled version? I like the sound of the Peach just would like a preamp that can be off in bypass mode.
Everyone considers the stock Cary to be warm and smooth. I consider the Peach to be smooth but I don't know if I would call it warm. Does anyone have an idea of how JuicyMusic is on the warm scale compared to the Cary?