wyred4sound amps

I am interested in these amps, there are good reviews online but I was wondering what audiogon members thought of these amps. I have not had a chance to hear one yet. Also interested in the bel canto digital amps, thanks
I found a W4S ST500 to be too bright and cool in my system. I had it for over 6 months. With a tubed pre and vinyl only front end and ET LFT 8Bs. Just be careful with system synergy. In the right system, it just might work really well.
Good to know I also have ET LFT 8A soon to be 8B speakers! I guess my Pass Labs amp isn't going anywhere, and why should it? Nelson Pass has been in this business decades longer than most of these class D amp manufacturers. Not saying class D is bad. Nelson Pass really knows his stuff, and has designed amps for many other companies. Go to the DIY site and you can even ask him about his designs and what he thinks about class D amps. I bet he could do class D if he wanted, but the consensus still seems to be the non class D amps sounds best overall. Pass amps are the best I have owned and the customer service is beyond reproach, but I guess I am getting of topic here. :)
Muralman has been posting the same schlock for the past 3 years, nos digital, h2o toys, homemade cables, ad nauseum.

Please do a search and read his posting history.

Nothing changes, nothing new; it's the SOS.

Read one post and you've read them all.

I have to agree with Audiofeil and Tvad regarding Muralman1's posts in this thread. The inclusion of Pass Labs amplifiers and their level of quality in the world of solid state is irrelevant to this thread.
Audiofeil, audio dealer, has entered disparaging remarks at every class D thread, despite the class D amp owner's excitement over it's performance.

Look that up.