Karan amp experiences wanted

I am looking for experiences with the Karan KA S180 amplifier. I have found some stuff in old threads and it is enough to have me pretty intrigued. My biggest question is would the power be enough to drive my Watt Puppy 7's. I have been looking to replace my current Krell FPB 600c for a while and just have not found the amp to fill it's space. The larger Karan's are out of my range for now. My room is not large but i do listen loud. I do not believe the KA S 180 is designed for lower impedance like the Watt Puppy but i am not certain. It would be great to hear any of your experiences with this amp and if any have used the two together.
After having heard or owned ALL Karan gear as an importer in Holland since 1999, I now consider that most sources are the weak point in the chain. That is because Karan topology is such that it can control virtualy all available speakers, due to its very low output resistance. Even KAI180mk1 or KAI180mk2 integrated manage Audiostatic LT speakers ( which fall below one Ohm at certain frequencies ) with ease. Ask any electrostatic designer what do they think of Accuphase or Yamaha's coupled to reactive load before investing your OWN funds in such a combination.
Karan amps have extreme frequency response and are DC coupled. Amplifier itself is meant to virtually disappear. My own experience is that source must have high enough resolution and dynamics in order to fully engage Karan amplifiers. Older phrase is GIGO ( garbage-in, garbage-out ), so take care that you connect the best source before even thinking of calling Karan 'uninvoling', please.
Actually, having Karan amps present in the audio chain enables me to fairly quickly source the fault in the system that should sound great, but doesn't.
Anyone interested in a demo is welcome, just contact me and I would try to help the best I can.
Zoran Filipovic
Heerhugowaard, Holland

I agree with Karanacoustics. If your looking for false dynamics and unwanted added distortion/energy anywhere in the frequency spectrum, these are not the amps for you.
I rather maximize my front end for maximum resolution, pre amp that yields highest purity and immediacy, ac conditioner and grounding device that removes noise without adding artifacts or dynamic compression, cables of higher purity that don't add more coloration. Now your left with natural instrument warmth and lifelike speed that these amps can deliver. Truer to the recording than any tube design. Folks who complaint about lack of musicality or accuse these amps for being unenvolving have something upstream that need to be fixed.
Himiguel...Just wanted to say that is a beautiful system you have assembled! I'm sure it sounds amazing. Congrats!! I have been curious about Karan amps for some time now. I've bounced around some and pretty much always go back to Spectral, always my amp of choice. I have read so many positive comments about Karan and all seem to match my taste in an amplifier. Unfortunately, trying to hear a Karan amp in Ohio is a tough task:(
I've heard several of the big Karans and have enjoyed them greatly in systems setup by those that really know the brand. The 180 and Intergrated are somewhat different beasts. IME you really will need to try one. I've heard the 180 sound dreadful in a couple of systems and from decent source's, latest dCS and Wadia. In the same systems an amp change has made all the difference. Not saying they arn't a great amp just that they seem a bit more sensitive to the system they're plugged into than some.
Defride, thanks for your post. When KaranAcoustics posted that the KA I-180 required a good source to sound its best, I knew that was not true.

I had both the Accustic Arts Drive 1/DAC 4 combo and the Wadia 581se when I had my KA I-180, so a quality source was not the issue in my system.

System matching and synergy, like you said, sounds much more plausible.
