Upgrading wall outlets

Curious if anyone has found much difference in sound quality upgrading wall outlets.
I used the FIM in place of a "Hospital Grade" receptacle on my two dedicated lines, I was expecting a possible slight improvement but it was a considerable one. By "Logic" no power cord or other change you make should produce a difference given the distance the current travels before it gets to your house. But it makes a difference to my ears and there are explanations why this should be so; there are many threads on this topic.
I did not experience major sonic advances on a household shared circuit by upgrading to a Hubbel industrial or Leviton commercial, although there was definitely worthwhile improvement in either case.

However on a dedicated 30 amp circuit when I swapped the Hubbel for a Wattgate 381 (made by Leviton) the difference was fantastic, amazing, incredible, unbelievable! Best return on audio investment I ever made. It's hard to believe the difference realized for a measly $150, which is peanuts in this hobby.
From 2003. I have not tried the newer more expensive products out.
You are not improving the quality of the electricity coming out of the wall . You are improving the connection to it .

Happy tunes .