Appogg isolation platform under preamp

I saw an Appogg isolation platform at a local hi-fi open house. I have not been able to find much info on it. Anyone know if there is a web site or any info on this isolation platform?

Hi Audiobuilder, You must have attended the open house of Austin Audio Tech. the excellent Appogg platforms are made here in Austin by Aaron Lindsey and Scott Oliver. The web site is:
You will find good info, pics, and prices. G.
Audiobuilder, I have advanced prototypes of the Appogg platforms in my system in Austin, and am planning to write a review for Positive feedback. The platforms are only now getting to market, so no formal reviews have been written as yet.

I can confirm that the effect of the platforms is very positive. They seem to solidify imaging and staging. They let the equipment yield a little more detail without creating obvious frequency hotspots. In my system the benefit is particularly evident/positive on the TEAC Esoteric X-01 CD player. The platforms are tunable to component weights. The platform under my Jeff Rowland Criterion preamplifier still may need a little tuning as the component may be a little too heavy for the particular unit under it. I have not yet tried Appogg under my Rowland 312 amp.
The Appogg Systems web site is temporarily down for maintenance. Aaron will put it back online as soon as maintenance is complete. G.
Audio Builder,
I was surprised to see your post here on these platforms as I currently am lucky enough to be auditioning these babies.

I too was at the dealers open house(Man I sure liked those Eben 3 speakers, wow!!) as well and after speaking to the builder/designer turns out he lives very close to me. I managed to talk him into bringing one of those platforms to my home. He first had me listen to a few of my reference songs and then he put one under my preamp-WOW! I mean right off the bat I heard the improvement. I think the most noticeable improvement is the noise floor or lack thereof. I didn't think I had much noise that was until this baby was dropped into my system! It really helped take the bite out of my Martin Logans, very enjoyable/musical.

I have never been much of a "platform" type guy in the past due to their cost and to be honest I just haven't heard that much of an improvement, but this platform is different. I heard the improvement right away. There's no doubt, it works very very well.

Man in the last couple of weeks I've been fortunate enough to either purchase some very fine products, or have the opportunity to try out some fine products-some of which I intend to purchase as soon my poor wallet recovers from my recent splurges! The Shuguan Treasure tubes, VAC PHI 110, MBL CDP and the Appogg platform. Jeezz I need to win the lottery soon....


There are some great products starting to come out of Austin, the "Music City" is really starting to live up to it's name IMHO, maybe it should be renamed Audio City. ;)