Appogg isolation platform under preamp

I saw an Appogg isolation platform at a local hi-fi open house. I have not been able to find much info on it. Anyone know if there is a web site or any info on this isolation platform?

The platforms are factory-tunable to component weight up to 200Lbs. The polymer between the top acrylic plate and the chassis is sorbothane. The chassis base is chambered and is filled with a goop used in the electronics and military fields for absorbing mechanical vibrations. Guido
I was speaking with the designer and he mentioned that he felt the sorobothane wasn't responsible for the great absorbtion but rather it is the "goop" that does most of the work. What ever it is the darn stuff works wonders, now I'm going to have to buy a couple of these things. My wife loves what one of them did for her turntable and I'm really digging the improvement with one under my preamp! Let me tell you from experience; DO NOT let them slip one into your system "just so you can try it out", you'll suddenly find your wallet a little bit lighter.

Talking about wives. . . my own wife, who is always hypercritical about the esthetics of audio components, has immediately remarked about the understated elegance and refined looks of the Appogg platforms in my system. Guido
I have been auditioning 3 of the Appogg isolation platforms in my system for the past 2 weeks. I have had them under my transport, my dac and my tubed preamp. This afternoon, Scott and Aaron came by so that we could do a comparative listening with the platforms in the system and then with all 3 of them removed. With all 3 removed, the sonic difference was easy to hear - to me it was a loss of air around performers and seemingly moving the performers closer together towards the center of the soundstage. There was a loss of delicacy in the upper frequencies and some loss of depth in the soundstage. Perhaps the bass was a not quite as tight as well. We then put the platforms back under the transport and dac and a lot of of this vanished. We then put the last platform back under the preamp and while not as dramatic a change as putting back the first 2, it still was an audible improvement and completely back to what we heard before removing all 3 platforms. I went ahead and purchased all 3 platforms. By the way, Scott and Aaron do give great customer service. One of the nice things about the platforms besides the improved sonics, is that even though for maximum effectiveness, the platforms need to be sized for a specific component's overall weight and weight distribution, if you change a component, Scott and Aaron can modify the platform for the new component's weight and weight distribution (assuming the new component will fit on the plinth).
What's interesting is that the Appogg platforms enhance treble detail while they render upper frequencies sweeter and more delicate. Do not think for a second that 'more delicate' treble implies some glossing of harmonic or low level detail. . . on the contrary! Guido