VALVET Amps & Pre: any feedback from Audiogoners?

Does anyone have personal experience with VALVET top of the line Amps (50 W) & Soulshine pre-amp? I have been able to lay hands on some positive reviews but trust fellow Audiogoners' personal experience more than reviewers and so-called audio pundits who often seem to exagerate.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for the feedback, it's very helpful. The problem is that I can't audition the amps or listen to them with my own gear because there aren't any dealers. Don't you buy the amps directly from the U.S. distributor?

I bought directly from Valvet as they don´t have distributor in Spain, where I live. Knut -Valvet´s owner- is a great person to deal with.

Why don´t you ask the U.S distributor to get a "trial period" pre and power amps to try them. I mean you pay for the gear and you get a 30 days trial period. And, if you don´t like them you send them back.


Daldridge76- I have the Soulshine/A3.5MKII combo at home for the past 6 months. Feel free to email me offline and I might be able to answer your questions...I've had 15 amps in the past 4 years of all topologies.

Hey Keith, still waiting for your comments on the Valvets.  Still not broken in?  Heh heh.  Seriously though, curious minds want to know.