cooling my Krell monoblocks

I have been considering the purchase of thermalright PC fans rated at 50 CFM/24 DB to set on top of the monoblocks and draw heat out. Is anyone else doing this or have a better idea?
Thank you for the replies - both make sense. One of the mono's "clicks" as it heats up and cools down but when I aim a fan at it the clicking stops - Krell says it is nothing to worry about but the the clicking is annoying and I find my ears "tuning in" to the clicks rather than the music or movie. BTW, the monos are out on the floor in open space, not in cabinets.
They had problems with the contraction/expansion of the metal casework...worth living with though. Keep em hot and they will make less noise and always leave them on standby.
Yeah my Evo600s click all the time from the thermal expansion, bloody annoying. Why don't they just make the case a fraction bigger?
I'd like to keep them on standby but it is expensive to do so. I agree with Davidbigeye - it definitely is bloody annoying but so is the fan that I have been blowing on them!! I thought that perhaps some small silent PC fans might create just enough cooling effect to stop the clicks.
First, be careful aiming a fan at Any piece of gear. IF you are somehow interfering with the natural convection (hot air rising) currents that the heating of the piece causes, you could actually make it run hotter, or too hot.

Premium (read as HEAVY) power amps like the Krell should be able to take any power demands in stride. Especially when used in an open installation. The Krell 300 or 400 integrated is a possible exception. My brief exposure to one (the 400) showed it to run bigtime hot. For my confined rackspace, that was a deal breaker. The Stereophile test confirmed my impression when they remarked on the heat of the amp after the pre-conditioning period before bench measurements, Worse Case Scenario, to be sure.

How much are you asking of these amps? I don't see how you should be able to put a dent in 'em....... If they have not gone into thermal protection then there is probably nothing to worry about.