cooling my Krell monoblocks

I have been considering the purchase of thermalright PC fans rated at 50 CFM/24 DB to set on top of the monoblocks and draw heat out. Is anyone else doing this or have a better idea?
Krell advises that the heatsink tape is installed internally thus requiring dismantling of the amp. Guess I'll just learn to tune out the click.
What is heatsink tape made of? If it is conductive you really should let Krell place it, otherwise you could be one hairball away from tradgedy.
Not to worry Mechans - I wouldn't dare try it as a DIY! LOL! I have absolutely no idea what the heatsink tape is made of . . . guess that would be another question for Krell.
You Guys are KILLING me.

The Krell were a mythical race in the '50s SciFi classic
'Forbidden Planet'.
Just my opin, but one of the most literate / intelligent well paced SciFi flicks ever.
A great cast including a very young Ann Francis among many others, including Leslie Nielsen in an early, serious role.

And, from the Audiophile standpoint an incredibly interesting soundtrack with all Theramin music/effects. (pre MOOG by several decades) Must hear on good system, but you already knew THAT.