Shindo pre w/ Quicksiler amps a good match

I have recently purchased a Shindo Monbrison. I look forward to hearing a Shindo amp, but have not yet had the opportunity to hear one. In the here and now, I was looking for a less costly alternative to a Shindo amp, at least 25 or more watts for power. Has anyone heard a Shindo pre with any of the Quickie amps. Thanks in advance.
the quicksilvers are extremely refined, and way underpriced compared to many. i would suggest looking into their pre as well.
I disagree that a Shindo pre can only reach its potential with a Shindo amp. I would say, however, that my Shindo power amp only reaches its true potential with my Shindo pre.
I have an Aurieges-L that sounds awesome with my Canary CA-339's as well as my Shindo Corton-Charlemagnes.
The Shindo pre will bring out the best in whatever amp it's partnered with as long as you use Shindo IC's btwn the pre and power amp and as long as the power amp's input impedance is simpatico with the output impedance of the Shindo pre.
You own the Massetto which has a low output imp. thanks to its transformers so you could pretty much use any tubed power amp.
I agree with Jaybo and Bnrlaw comments about the QS and compatability in general. Since you don't need a lot of power, I would try the Music Reference RM10 that uses EL84s for output. It lists for 1,995 but there was a summers sale for 1295 or something like that. It is a very, very good sounding amp if 35 watts is enough, I preferred it to my Quicksilver V4s, but I don't need a lot of power to drive my Merlin VSMs.
Lowens, nice system. The Haut Brion must sound great. I will have to contact Jonathan and get some retail prices on some of the Shindo amps. The Haut Brion w/ the 300B's are interesting though. The one that I have been considering is the standard Corton's, w/ El 34's, but they are around 12K. I wanted to do something for around 6-8K or even less right now. Jaybo, no doubts as to the value of the Quickies. I owned both the balanced and SE versions of the V4's, and they are no doubt great amps for the money IMO. Bnrlaw, I actually have the Monbrison, which does not have the transformer in the output stage. So, your Aurieges L and my Monbrison are the only Shindo preamps that do not have the T-F. It is the Massetto and above above that do. I should try the Shindo or A23 IC's as well, certainly between my Monbrison and amp. I agree with you, in that there is definitely quite a few people running Shindo pre's with different amps. Not as many as the all Shindo, but quite a few. I have noticed C-J , Quicksilver, and Accuphase besides your Canary. Pubul57, c'mon, I sold you that V4. That has to be the best amp you have ever owned. Thanks to all.
I have the Quicksilver 6C33C Triode Monoblocs (55 watts) with the Monbrison and the combination is great (transparent and sweet with a reasonable amount of drive) with my Merlins. I have been thinking about the Haut Brion (and thinking about possibly changing speakers to Proac D38's, Devore Nines, AG Uno Nano's, or Verity), but I would want to hear it in my system (or future system) against the Quickies for a few days before I made the decision as I would want to make certain that there is enough dynamic drive.
The decision to go all Shindo is must take into account the the efficiency of the speakers in one's system and their impedance curve. BTW, I heard the Cortese with the Devore Nines at In Living Stereo last week and was very impressed with what the 10 watt Cortese could do. Absolutely, loved it with the Monbrison.