Unbalanced pre out to balanced amp in

I have a Modwright preamp with RCA outs and Channel Island amps with balanced inputs. I have always just made up cables with RCA outs and XLR connector inputs. But I have had to extend the distance between the amps and preamp and the new run has the cables going by a few power cords, a TV, an ethernet cable and other possible sources of noise. I would like to experiment with a transformer to convert the unbalanced output to balanced and then use 3 conductor cables for the run. Does anyone have any suggestions. And has anyone used a transformer they could recommend?

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The Jensen transformers are excellent! But- like all transformers, if you want to really get the most out of them, make sure that the secondary side of the transformer is loaded to the value specified. For example if the output is 600 ohms, put a 600 ohm resistor across it (if you don't, the transformer will express the inter-winding capacitance, rather than the turns ratio). That way the transformer will be the flattest frequency response, and minimum coloration, which is to say it will be very transparent.
There's also excellent active component which is ATI "The Match Maker" often available at ebay. Virtually noise free and ideal impedance matching for lines of any length + the price is often bellow $100 for used.
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