Unbalanced pre out to balanced amp in

I have a Modwright preamp with RCA outs and Channel Island amps with balanced inputs. I have always just made up cables with RCA outs and XLR connector inputs. But I have had to extend the distance between the amps and preamp and the new run has the cables going by a few power cords, a TV, an ethernet cable and other possible sources of noise. I would like to experiment with a transformer to convert the unbalanced output to balanced and then use 3 conductor cables for the run. Does anyone have any suggestions. And has anyone used a transformer they could recommend?

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By 'across' , I mean in parallel with the output.

If the input of the xformer is supposed to be 20K and the output 600ohms, then the xformer will express 20K to the input if there is a 600 ohm resistance across the secondary.

Its the same idea that you see in a conventional tube amplifier: if the tubes are supposed to have a 3000 ohm load, that will only be the case if the output (8 ohm tap for example) is loaded at 8 ohms.

You'll notice that in the test circuits that produced the graphs on the first page, that there is indeed a 600 ohm resistor (or a pair of 300 ohm units) loading the output of the transformer.
Ralph, I think Bob raises a valid concern. This is basically a 1:1 transformer, not a transformer with a significant step-down ratio (which would obviously be inappropriate for a line-level interface).

So while adding a 600 ohm resistor to the secondary would make the transformer perform better, it would very conceivably cause problems relative to the output stage of the preamp (or source component, if that is what it is used with). If the output impedance of the preamp or source component is a significant fraction of 600 ohms, and is not perfectly constant as a function of frequency, then a frequency response irregularity would be introduced. And, depending on its specific design, the output stage might be unhappy providing the current that a 600 ohm load would draw, as well.

Or are we missing something?

-- Al