What isolation feet to use??

Hi everyone,
Just aquired an Aethetix Rhea and would like to know what isolation feet are being used other than the stock rubber ones?? Thanks
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I am using Herbies Iso-cups with lampblack balls under my Calypso and would highly recomend them.
Hi and thanks for all the replies. I will now persue some of the ideas and look forward to the journey of choices.

Jimjoyce25, would Marigo do money-back even if the footer has been taken apart? That would be funny.

Nikturner920, you input the expected weight, as well as the shape and size, and viscocity of the Sorbothane footer, and it outputs the resonant frequency, and the deflection ratio, and some other stuff. The idea is to calculate the lowest resonant frequency for the weight of your components. The footer should deflect between 50-80% of its height.

Then, for a professional result, put the Sorbothane in a small maple box (like this one: http://www.giftsbyginny.com/boxeswoodkeepsake.htm) and call it Nikturner's Magical Box and sell it for $900 per set of 4. :)