Tube preamp and McCormack DNA-500

Looking for a tube preamp to match and perform well w/ a McCormack DNA-500. Want to spend 1700, preferably less. Speakers: Ohm Walsh 5000 (4 ohm 82-87 db efficient). Listen primarily to classic jazz (hard bop). Emailed Steve McCormack about using a tube preamp with the DNA 500. He responded:
Most tube preamps will do a fine job with the DNA-500 - you just have to watch out for the few that won't. Check the output impedance spec of any preamp you are considering - lower is better, at least in this regard. As long as your preamp has an output impedance spec of 800 Ohms or less, you should be fine.

Looking for a tube preamp that does not roll off the highs, full sounding (not thin) in the mids; detailed presentaion is good, not rolled off in the low end; in other words I like low end extension and weight; Not looking for leanness or soft bass. I like transparency; complete and utter neutrality is not my priority as some gear seems to lean towards. Some tube sound is preferable but without a veil. Suggetions please? Thanks
Bnrlaw and Tvad, I'll consider your suggestion. I like that cherry cabinet on the Peach II on sale now, wish it was an original Peach.
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Thanks again for all the recommendations. Which of the above preamps leans more in the direction of a smooth tube sound as opposed to leaning more to a smooth solid state sound?

Example: I've read that the Modwright Swl 9.0 sounds very good with the DNA-50. But, I've also read that if you're looking for any tube presence with the Modwright look elsewhere, but if you're looking for neutrality the Modwright delivers.
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