Kreall amp and tube pre

It's been awhile now and I need some input. Can I just plug and play a tube pre into a fpb 200 or later generation amp ? I think several yrs ago I saw a post that said you needed to do something to the amp. Am i right ? Is their latest generation of amps tube friendly ? The reason i'm asking is I have an all tube system but would like a SS amp for 2 channel home theater. Thanks.
Thanks. This is good to know. Last, which is the best sounding Krell amp on their entry level price the FPB 200 or a later encarnation ?
I don't really know the best sounding entry level Krell amp. Krell no longer makes a low powered amp like the 200. Do you already own the 200?
I am listening to a BAT Rex pre-amp into a Krell EVO-402 amp and it sounds great, even incredible. I did nothing but plug the two pieces of gear together and started listening. There was nothing in either owner's manual that indicated any specific instructions.