Is there such a thing as tube sound in a ss?

I have Martin Logan Aerius i speakers, Classe Cp35 pre, Classe CA100 amp and Meridian 588 CD. I am auditioning an ARC LS17 and the ARC VS110. I love the deep and tight bass the VS110 gives me but it does not have the clarity i love from the MLs. I hooked up my Classe amp to the LS17 pre and the clarity is there but the bass is loose and undefined. Is there an SS amp that will give me that nice deep tight, defined bass the VS110 gave me but along with the clarity?
The Atma-sphere website has some interesting white papers on different amperage paradigms. From everything I have learned from a variety of places and experiences, I would suggest that certain things are easier with tubes than SS and vice versa, depending on what you trying to accomplish.

The best 'solid state' amp I've ever heard with MLs was actually a hybrid/FET-based amp - Counterpoint NPMs. Don't know what it is but FETs do quite well with MLs.
IMHO, my Simaudio i7 integrated brings some tubeness to the table. It's got a touch of that warmth but with the control of solid state.

/ducks, buys bulletproof body armor
I would take the two gentlemen posting above seriously. In my opinion they know exactly what they are talking about and have saved me a lot of words to respond (:
Happy hunting for the sound you wish for,
Some say that certain "digital" amps have a tube-like sound. With a digital amp the characteristics of the amplification devices, be they tubes or transistors, are out of the picture, and the sound will depend on the amplification algorithm. This makes it possible to create sound to order.
I don't know what advertising genius ever got the words "digital amp" and "tube-like" in the same sentence. My experience is that digital amps have a unique sound, but are not at all tube-like. My Wyred 4 Sound certainly does not sound as good as (for example) the McIntosh tube amps I have demo'd. That said, the Wyred 4 Sound costs a lot less to purchase and maintain and never threatens to blow up when it is turned on.