Tube Amp Noise with Klipsch Cornwall II

I just bought a pair of Klipsch Cornwall IIs for my Rogue Cronus integrate amp to replace a pair Spendor S3/5 SEs. Wow - bigger speakers are amazing. BUT now there is hiss coming through both speakers which can be heard 10 feet away - at all settings, even with volume all the way down.
The tube set is:
4 KT77s - which Rogue had made
3 - Electro Harmonix 12AU7s
2 Sovtek 12AX7LPS

Can anyone suggest how to lower my amp noise floor so I can enjoy these speakers?
Just get some small signal tubes that are graded low noise(even if they are cheap ones), and see if that doesn't ameliorate the problem. If your sources are not tubed, chances are they are not generating any hiss.
Many thanks for all your suggestions - I am going to explore them over the next few days. Mark O'Brian has always been super friendly and helpful - but I was really interested in what my Audiogon community had to say about the amp/speaker combo. I am going to try some new tubes first. And recheck all connections. The Cronus is my first tube amp and I love it - though part of the fun of this hobby s exploring new frontiers of sound - which I am getting in spades from these Klipsch Cornwalls - the sonic leap forward is huge.
Get the Quicksilver Horn Mono amps. No noise, no fuss and they sound great on high efficiency speakers.
Hi, I also own the Cornwall II's, and can definitely state that they are not the problem. Tube amps work wonderfully with them, even the flea-wattage ones. I would suggest that the brightness you don't like is probably coming from the Rogue amp - the Rogue amps are perhaps the brightest tube amps I have ever heard. This is partly because they are relatively high in wattage. I use a PrimaLuna amp, which is about half the wattage of alot of the Rogue stuff, and it has a much warmer sound. I would suggest that you try a lower-wattage amp than the Rogue, and you will probably find the sound you are looking for.
Call Rogue and find out which small tubes are in the gain stage, this would affect the hiss in the speakers the most. Then do as TVAD & Rodman99999 suggested and call either upscale audio, Brent Jesse, Jim McShane or Vintage tube services and get Phono grade tubes. Any brand of tube will lower your hiss in your speakers as long as they are low noise phono grade.