ARC REF 3, Nagra PSA, & Phase Inversion

Last night, while I was auditioning a Nagra PSA for my primary system, at the suggestion of a friend, I inverted the phase on the REF 3. The sonic effects were remarkable. The speakers disappeared further. The sound stage became much more defined and deeper; it extended a little more forward, quite a bit more backward, and even a little wider. Imaging, which had always been quite good, was also markedly improved. And the overall musical presentation was more relaxed (for lack of a better word) and musical (to my ears). I was really shocked but also quite pleased with the changes I heard!

Can someone explain what exactly goes on with phase inversion and how it can cause the changes I heard (and perhaps other changes that occurred and I did not recognize them)?

Thanks in advance!
May I ask what other preamps have you used with the Nagra PSA apart from the ARC Ref 3? Have you tried a passive pre with the PSA? What are you thoughts on other preamps used with the Nagra PSA? Thanks in advance.
The only other preamp I have used with the Nagra PSA was the Shindo Aurieges in my secondary system. I wanted to hear how the PSA would sound versus the Accuphase P-3000 that I use in that system. Both were excellent pairings with the Aurieges, with the Accuphase sounding more full and the Nagra sounding more detailed. I have heard the PSA with the AR Ref 5 at Don Better's and it was superb. Likewise the PSA with Ayre's top of the line preamp, which I do not like as much as the AR preamps named above. Aside from impedance matching between other preamps and the PSA, I believe the next most important criterion is hearing them together, which I realize you already know!

Best Regards,

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the prompt response. Reason I asked the question is I am considering the PSA but cannot justify spending the same amount of money on the Ref 3 preamp. Although I have no doubts the Ref 5 would evidently be a major step-up from the Ref 3, that unit is financially beyond my reach. Was hoping a more modestly priced preamp would still cut it with the PSA. Anyway I will have a chance to listen to the Nagra in my system soon and see how it will match with my Harbeth speakers.
