Once Again, without being redundant. To make a recommendation of a single component without having a working knowledge of other components that will augment it, is both foolish, and ludicrous! Regardless of what anyone will review, or comment.....There is not a Single component, that does not have a Flavor, "House Sound', and; or Sonic Signature!! Palm that off with those beginning this hobby yesterday!!! Audio Research's happens to be more whitish, and analytical, in comparison with Cary, and Others. Again the final arbiter is KNOWING what sound is to You're preference, and how the individual components interact to formulate that particular sound You are endeavoring to achieve, in You're System. That, Turntables, Tonearms, Cartridges, Wires, CDP's, And Speakers, Tweaks Etc; ALL should come together in a wholistic way to take You to that point. All the other information in regards to this IMHO is pointless.