Audio Research PH7 versus Manley Steelhead ?

5 PH7 to sell on Audiogon ... ?

any problem ?
a new model coming ?

how does it compare to the Manley Steehead?
I don't know of any problems with the PH 7. I sure love mine. Just a few months ago, Audio Research came out with a new reference level phono stage. It is spectacular. The cost is dear - $12K. Maybe some of these folks selling their PH 7's are upgrading. If so, hopefully this is another indication that the recession is just about over!

I am not familiar with the Manley product line so cannot comment on that comparison.
The Manley is superb with a lot of user defined parameters. What I am saying is that it has loading controls wich make it highly configurable.
I only have a much older ARC preamp with a very highly acclaimed phono section, the SP6B.
If you can turn it up beyond 9 O'clock then you need your hearing checked. You can't do much about it evidently but if you had a real low output MC 20+ years ago this was the phono of choice.
So if you really want a revealing phono this could be right up your alley. All this may have no bearing on the PH7's character.
I had the Audio Research PH7 before I purchased the Manley Steelhead. The PH 7 is a fantastic phono amp, especially for the price. Mine was absolutely dead quiet and had all the gain I needed for my Lyra Titan cartridge, which has a very low output.
The Manley has some advantages over the PH7, mainly your ability to really fine tune what the amp is doing. But, I don't find it to be anymore quiet or revealing than the PH7. The benifits of "upgrading" to the Manley are there but, small.