Audio Research Ref 5 preamp


I currently own the ARC Ref 3. I know its early, but I was wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to do a comparison of the new ARC Ref 5 compared to the ARC Ref 3 and if so, what are the sonic differences that you heard. Any input would be helpful. Thanks
Personally, I was never that motivated to spend time rolling tubes. I did it once with a PH3SE and sure, the Mullard NOS tubes I used did seem to improve things, etc. etc. I spent time analyzing the differences and how to quantify and qualify them in words. To me, tube rolling is an ancillary swirl, as it were. I started wondering if I was actually getting unused NOS tubes, and if they were worth the premium $. It all seemed like time taken away from simply enjoying the music.

AR uses tubes they can easily get. I am inclined to conclude that that's good enough for me. All that said, however, if someone were to take the time to make the comparisons and had a strong recommendation, I would be inclined to listen up and maybe consider for the next tube replacement. I welcome others' points of view and perspective.
Both set-ups at RMAF 2009 with Ref 5 were fantastic. One with Vandersteen Model 7 and the other with the Wilson Sashas. Both had a complete stack of Audio Research Reference components: CD8, Ref 5, Ref 2 Phono, and Ref 110 amp.
I agree with Sdrenslow that the ARC gear sounded good - especially on the Vandys. I am not a fan of the ARC Ref 3 (even with Vandy 5A), but I'm guessing the Ref5 is better since I loved the sound at the show.