What preamp to pair with Spectron

Just wondering what preamp Spectron users are using and any recommendations.

Ten5turbo, a dear friend has a pair of the latest generation of Specron's, and has great sonic results with the Modright 36.5 and the Audio Valve Eklipse. He recently has been auditioning the Wired4sound STP se and has been surprized how well it performs against the other two preamps, considering the STPse sells for $1800.00 compared to $9000.00 and $4800.00 for the other two linestages.
For what it worth not Modright 36.5 - I auditioned it and I did not like it. I heard in at RMAF 2008 with Spectrons and I did not like the resulting sound very much. They were presented there with Audio Analyses speakers. In CES 2009, the Spectron-Audio Analyses room got "Best Sound in the Show" and deservely so. The preamp, I believe was BAT (Joule-Electra was just starting its production)

For money, Audio Valve is excellent preamp - I agree here and I know nothing about Wyre4Sound preamp.

All The Best