Best Carver stereo solid state amplifier design

i would like to know what is the best design Bob Carver has made.Is it really considered hifi.What could we compare the sonics of his best designs to.Can we compare his stuff to mark levinson,spectral,krell.Many people are fans of him but we dont hear much about his work in hifi magazines. Does it mean its only good for home theater or what.Anyone out there can answer on the sound quality of his stuff.Any comparisons made to the big league.Thanks pat
The Silver 9t are solid state monoblocs. Never heard the LightStar amp, I've heard nothing but good things about it though.
The Silver 9t are solid state monoblocs. Never heard the LightStar amp, I've heard nothing but good things about it though.

ok i thought they were tube design so the 9s are better sounding than the sunfire amps.Very appreciated comment.Anybody outthere compared the 9s to the lighstar
I have some old (20 years) Carver equipment I will give away if someone wants to come and get it. 2 amps, 1 preamp and a cassette player. Drop me an e-mail if interested. I am not shipping anything. If you want it come and get it. Don't know the models but I believe the amps are 100 watts.